All that I wanted to do

  • Monday, March 31, 2014
  • By Samir Saxena

I took my cup of tea and sat by the window
I heard some sounds
There were people talking
Birds chirping, Dogs barking
Some cars were honking
Then there was wind, I could feel it on my face
And I could see leaves moving
A school bus stopped outside the gate
And waiting children lined up to get inside
Some were happy to see their friends
While some cried seeing themselves go away from their mom and dad
There were promises to see them in the evening and assuring kisses
That took me back to the memories of my school days
Until I saw a man jogging on the road
I remembered my New Year resolution to run everyday
I shrugged but my eyes still followed the jogger
Until they stopped at something red
And I saw a beautiful rose bed in the garden
It wasn't there yesterday
And the roses made me think of her
I gave her roses every day, three to be precise
I never said anything, but she will always understand the premise
And I sighed
A cloud of dust from the sweeper’s broom brought me back to now
I look around and see a flock of pigeons on the porch
And an elderly man feeding them grains
Just then the water fountains start
And it all looks like a pretty landscape
Like that drawing I made in 5th grade
I got amused with all the stories and the sights
Just then my cell phone comes alive
I gulped down the remaining of my cold tea
As I tap on my phone's cold touchscreen
There were few reminders and some emails
Also an SMS reminding my EMIs were due
I look for the day’s plans in my calendar
There was no mention of sitting by the window
Even though, that’s all that I wanted to do

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  1. Fantastic Samir! Need more from you...

  2. Great to see a blog-post from you after long bro. Very well written and indeed very contemporary style.

    How I wish we can just ride again and eat and be free!

    1. Thank you.. your words are encouraging. And you believe it or not, I deeply miss your company on the highway.. I hope too we can ride again and ride across the country, how we always wanted to do it..

  3. Super. Keep writing mate. And yes, those rides where I was a pillion yet enjoyed as if I was the authority in command of the roads :( let's steal some time from our diaries, let's write few more lines of our life on the roads, let nature witness our lost smile, let's give a life a chance to cherish because YOLO :)

    1. Yes.. you're a good co-rider but you need to strengthen your butt.. we can't only ride 100kms max :)

  4. Welcome back with a bang Sir :)

    Loved the words, the flow...shy I started missing my morning sight from window in the smokes... Honestly, loved it...hope to read more and more from you Ghumakkar :D

    1. Yes yes.. hoping this time I don't take an early break like always :)
